My Garden Needs:

Pocket gopher control demands the best products with the proper approach. Gopher problems may seem insurmountable at times. Take charge! 

Most garden centers carry a typical selection of items to exterminate or repel these pests, but it can be confusing when you see them spread out before you. Buy the cheapest to save money, or spend the most and hope it works better? Plus, your local store may not have the product best suited to your needs.

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Select the Best Do-It-Yourself Gear to Stop Pocket Gophers

I have narrowed down the field to a minimum number of products that offer variations for different situations and levels of difficulty. (Plus a couple of surprises, as in, "I never imagined!")

Most of the products on these store pages (...links to the various gopher control products... are being revised...)  have been discussed in several articles on this website. If you have not read this detailed and comparative information, please do so before you jump into the first option that looks affordable or within your capability.

Let me help you save time and money, and prevent serious problems, by explaining the pros and cons of each method for pocket gopher control.

…Or jump ahead into this project. Not sure if you can do it?
Wait till you get the first one under your belt (figuratively speaking) and feel the satisfaction of saving your lawn and rescuing priceless plants! Every homeowner can eliminate pocket gophers now, with minimal expense and trouble.


You can rest assured that one or more of the products from My Garden Needs: POCKET GOPHER CONTROL will provide the results you need, once you learn the tricks for success, and what to avoid.

If you would like an overview of the best approaches to gopher control I suggest you take a few minutes to read:
Do You Need To Kill Toothy Rodents?

If you are not sure whether a gopher or mole or ground squirrel is causing the problem, check out our photo gallery to see:
What Does A Gopher Look Like?

Thinking of a 'home-remedy' approach, or already tried that?
Find out why they tend to be unsuccessful in :
How To Get Rid Of Gophers. 

Detailed information on how to select and use products for killing gophers and moles, can be read at:

Using Gopher Poisons and Bait

Using Gopher Traps

How To Set A Macabee Gopher Trap

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