My Garden Needs:

The best crabgrass killer depends on the location and your preferred application method. 

Choose an herbicide for getting rid of crabgrass, based on your need for optimal control, or ease of use, or safety for your lawn or your pets.
I've dug through the hundreds of products available from numerous manufacturers to bring you this representative sample for diverse garden situations. 

Compare them. If using it on a lawn, be certain it is safe for your exact type of grass. These are not the only options, but they will work -- IF -- you read and follow the directions.



In the meantime, please take advantage of the free information available below to educate yourself for dealing with crabgrass problems.

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If you make a purchase via a link on this site, I may receive a small commission on the transaction - at no added cost to you.

When To Use The Best Crabgrass Killer?

Just to clarify, we are addressing your need to kill crabgrass that has already emerged in your lawn or garden areas. These products are applied directly to the foliage of the crabgrass plant. 

This is in contrast to using a product to prevent crab grass from sprouting. Products and information about pre-emergent herbicides are also available on this site. 

So we are talking about post-emergent crabgrass killer. Crabgrass is unlike most other weeds. "Broad spectrum weed killer, works on 47 varieties," claims a token ad in print. Another one lists 200 affected species. But crab grass is not part of those crowds. 

What about a non-selective herbicide, like Round-up? That will stop it, right? Yes, but it will also kill your lawn, or anything in your garden that gets sprayed. The label must specify, "Kills Crabgrass" if you expect it to work. But the big front label won't necessarily tell you where it is safe to use a particular herbicide. You must read the fine print!

Many homeowner product reviews brag about using heavier doses, or complain of poor results. The power is in your hands. Do it the right way, at first and when repeating. Save time, effort and money. Don't play games and don't second guess the professionals. 


It is not possible to do long-distance diagnosis for your lawn weed situation. It is your responsibility to accurately understand the nature of your problem and select the appropriate products and treatment methods. 

Always consult a local professional when you have doubts or uncertainty. The Garden Counselor provides information to help you interpret what you observe, and is not responsible for any errors, damage or unintended consequences by persons who use any product mentioned on this website. 

Always read and follow product label directions completely and in their entirety. As an example, the best crabgrass killer can be the worst one for you, if you fail to exercise diligence and caution. 

Go to the Crabgrass Information Page for a series of articles to understand the nature of this dastardly weed!

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